
The online news magazine of Atlas® World Group.

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Tax Reform: Variations on a Theme by Brady

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (H.R. 1) authored by Texas Congressman Kevin Brady was signed into law on December 22, 2017. As the dust settles on the first major rewrite of the tax code in more than 30 years, relocation professionals, transferees, and movers are watching closely to determine its impact on the mobility industry.

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50th Annual Atlas Corporate Relocation Survey 50 Years in the Making
Over the past 50 years, Atlas® has monitored relocation policy and practice via our annual Corporate Relocation Survey to better understand how demographic, geopolitical and economic shifts affect the industry year to year. 
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50th Annual Atlas Corporate Relocation Survey 50 Years in the Making
Over the past 50 years, Atlas® has monitored relocation policy and practice via our annual Corporate Relocation Survey to better understand how demographic, geopolitical and economic shifts affect the industry year to year. 
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Atlas is a Friend in Corporate Relocation at SHRM
In fact, the overarching message for Atlas at the SHRM show was to ease customers’ minds about the relocation process. To demonstrate how Atlas PVO’s and pack/load team members are friends that customers can trust with their household belongings, two life-size cardboard cutouts of crew members stood in the booth for photo opportunities, while attendees were encouraged to share their selfies with the hashtag #MyFriendsAtAtlas.
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Sharing the Many Ways to go new places at SHRM
A group of representatives from multiple Atlas Agencies and Atlas HQ trekked to Las Vegas in late June to set up shop at the annual Convention and Expo of the Society for Human Resources Management (SHRM). In total, more than 630 exhibiting companies filled over 30 aisles with human resource solutions at the Las Vegas Convention Center, making it the largest expo SHRM has ever held.
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