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4 tips for practicing feng shui at home

Written by Atlas Van Lines team | Jan 26, 2017 5:00:00 AM

Once you've unpacked from your recent move, there are still a slew of other projects left to tackle. Decorating is one of the most crucial, as it injects a much needed dash of personality into your new home. But rather than throwing up drapes or painting a random wall, you might try a process that's a bit more purposeful: the art of feng shui.

Dating back to ancient China, the practice emphasizes that every object has chi, or internal energy. When everyday items are aligned in a certain way, you can better harmonize with your surroundings. For instance, one commonly held belief is that your head should never face the window while in bed, as it's generally considered bad luck.

"Feng shui is one way to maximize space and achieve a sense of balance within your home."

If you're interested in learning the basics of feng shui, consider these four handy tips:

1. Avoid furniture on walls
Karen Rauch Carter is the author of "Move Your Stuff, Change Your Life." Speaking with HGTV, she advised people to never put furniture against any walls. That's because this home design approach is seen as preventing communication and interpersonal relationships. However, she added that you want to still put the legs of furniture on rugs, as this can cause people to gather together more organically.

2. Experiment with colors
Within the practice of feng shui, color plays an important role in expressing emotions and trying to create a certain kind of energy. For instance, red is among the more powerful colors, while people use purple or green to attract personal prosperity. And it doesn't have to mean painting a full wall purple, either, as small accent walls or pieces of furniture often do the trick. It's about using colors that make sense with the given space.

3. Avoid clutter and broken pieces
Clutter in general is bad, but practitioners of feng shui recognize what too much stuff can do to a person. De-cluttering your personal space can make you feel lighter, according to feng shui, and that can help with everything from relieving stress to helping you focus on your real priorities. Similarly, you should never leave damaged home goods or furniture around.

4. Make many small changes 
Feng shui isn't just about where you place your bed or having to paint a back wall. Small changes can be enough to make a difference in a room and, as an extension, your personal life. For instance, the addition of a few plants is said to produce positive energy, and having them in each room of the house creates a good flow. Similarly, some kind of centerpiece, like books on a coffee table or photos on a side table, can create "gravity," and that helps boost positive energy.

Focus on stress removal
Ultimately, feng shui is about decreasing stress in life and emphasizing positivity and productivity. When you're moving, another way to rid yourself of some of these negative influences is to hire a professional moving service. Atlas Van Lines is an industry leader with over 68 years of experience. They can assure the smoothest moving experience possible, which lets you focus on building the perfect home interior.