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Finding a new job after moving into a new home

While a new job is often the reason behind a move, it's far from the only reason why people relocate. Whether you're helping your spouse take advantage of a major career opportunity or simply love a place so much that you want to move and then find a job after arriving, it's important to have a game plan.

Let's look at some practical advice for finding a new job after you move into your new home.

Don't give up on your old job just yet

You can start your job hunting in what is likely the most convenient place, considering you already have a relationship with the company: your current employer. While this won't work for everyone - you'll need a job where telecommuting is an effective choice or there's a nearby office to transfer to - it's certainly worth considering. If it works out, you can maintain your current job. That means enjoying a predictable income and sense of continuity as you make the major transition to living in a new area.

Understand your options

Telecommuting aside, whether for your current company or a new one, you need to find a position that's within a reasonable commute from your new home. ZipRecruiter suggested researching companies that offer clear connections to your expertise, experience and education, and then taking steps to reach out to them. There are plenty of ways to get in touch, from making a connection to company recruiters on LinkedIn to finding opportunities to attend informational and hiring events hosted by these companies.

You should also review your professional network to find any contacts who live in your new city or have a relationship with a business you want to work for. These relationships can definitely pay off by helping you start a conversation or get a leg up in the application process. Just don't push too hard or make the conversations too one-sided, and be ready to offer similar support for your contacts in the future.

Get started as early as possible

An important piece of moving advice is to start planning as early as possible, The Balance Careers suggested. That's also true for finding a job in a new city. If you can, start looking for a new job well before you move. Get your resume and any other career-specific things you need to share with potential employees ready to share as soon as you're sure about heading to a new city.

Looking at job postings, getting in touch with recruiters, learning about large employers in the area and other important tasks don't have to wait until you're living in your new home. You may be able to accelerate your timeline for finding a job if you get started earlier rather than later.

Find great movers

The last thing you want to deal with as you transition to a new place while looking for a job is a complicated, difficult move. Call the experts at Atlas to make sure trustworthy, dependable professional movers can do the heavy lifting for you!