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Important Pointers for Making Moving Day a Success

Written by Atlas Van Lines team | Aug 4, 2017 4:00:00 AM
If you've made it to moving day, you've already experienced some major successes: Finding the home that's right for you, choosing professional and experienced  movers who will safely carry your belongings to your new abode and much, much more.

Still, moving day is a major event all on its own. You need to take the right approach to make sure this last big step in the process goes off without a hitch. Here are a few important pointers to make your moving day positive and productive:

Know where you're going and when you'll get there

"Moving day is a major event all on its own."

Whether the trip to your new home is 15 minutes or 1,500 miles, it pays to have a timetable, travel plan and similar information on hand for moving day. Planning ahead offers a number of advantages, from ensuring you don't encounter any unpleasant last-minute surprises to taking one more thing off your moving day to-do list.
For very short moves, you may not need a detailed route or timeline. It can be enough to know about how long it takes to get there and when you plan on arriving. For longer trips, spending a little time mapping the route and determining if and when to stop - especially important when you travel with pets, young children and elderly family members - is vital. You don't want to arrive hours after your movers, whether due to leaving late or not accounting for necessary stops along the way.

Get your belongings where they need to be

High-quality  professional movers are ready, willing and able to put boxes, furniture and other items wherever you want in your new home. Leaving the majority of boxes in the entryway, garage or living room is a missed opportunity and more work for you and your family.
Get the most out of your movers by knowing the final destination for each box and belonging. You can easily share that information and save yourself the trouble of hauling boxes around in the days and weeks ahead.

Have a first-night bag ready

A lack of easy access to your belongings is one downside of the days immediately after a move. Most of your belongings are packed up and hard to reach, to one degree or another. To combat that limitation, pack a first-night bag. Include toiletries, clothes, bedding, towels, any medicines you may take and other essentials. Planning ahead - and packing similar bags for your children, if needed - means you're ready to enjoy your first few days in your new house.