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Preparing for the new school year after you've moved

Written by Atlas Van Lines team | Jul 11, 2016 4:00:00 AM

Among the many benefits of moving during the summer, most students can expect a wide open calendar. That means not only less of a hassle scheduling around school itself, but young people can be around to help with the actual move. Of course, that's not to say that kids shouldn't use the summer for other purposes, namely preparing for the coming school semester. By planning ahead, students can expect a happy and successful school year. Here are a few handy tips: 

Assure your child
Moving cities and starting at a new school can be tough for kids of all ages. It's essential that you help your student address this anxiety. Let them talk out their frustrations, and assure them that you'll be there to help during this transition. It's also just as vital that you frame this move the right way, as an opportunity for growth and personal improvement. A move can be a new chapter in a person's life, and looking on the bright side goes a long way.

Practice a routine
It's not just the emotional impact of a move that can affect students. attending a new school means dealing with a whole new routine. In the week leading up to the start of the school year, practice this new routine with your child. Walk or drive them to school, and help them make note of their new surroundings and find the most efficient path possible. Having the routine nailed down can help your student feel more focused and comfortable following the move.

Get involved
Depending upon where you live, there may be any number of youth or community groups, including various sports teams, charitable organizations or outfits like 4​-H. Not only do these groups offer students a chance to improve their community, but they make valuable connections with people their own age. These relationships can carry into the school setting, and your child could have a new best friend or a social network in general before the first bell even rings.

Forge connections
Once you've moved into your new home, it's important to forge new relationships. In addition to friends and work acquaintances, it's always a good idea to reach out to your neighbors. These folks can provide keen insight into the school district, including notable teachers, the school's educational philosophy and other pertinent information. If possible, you should also touch base with the school's principal, as he or she can offer more details.

Never lose touch
Just because your child is no longer in the same school as his or her friends shouldn't stymie these relationships. You should encourage your son or daughter to stay in contact with old friends and classmates; these connections can provide comfort as new relationships are forged. Email is a quick and easy way to maintain these relationships, and the jolt of confidence can be huge. Just make sure your child knows not to rely so heavily on these friends they forego meeting new people.

It's also important to consider which moving company you hire. With Atlas Van Lines, you'll have less stress overall, and that leaves more time to help your family acclimate to your new home.