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Tips for moving from one climate to another

There's added complexity when you move from one kind of climate, whether hot or cold, to a much different one. You need to deal with weather conditions you may have never encountered before - be it heavy snowfalls or temperatures above 100 degrees Fahrenheit - help your family and pets adjust and potentially buy an entirely new wardrobe, just to name a few. Keep these tips in mind before, during and after you head to a new climate and use them to build a checklist for moving.

Get a good handle on the weather

You can look at plenty of maps and other climate information well before your move to get a better idea of the usual conditions around your new home. The Weather Channel has a nationwide map of average monthly highs and lows to get you started, and many sources offer more specific information. You'll want to look beyond just temperature, too, by checking stats related to humidity, elevation and precipitation. Even if the temperatures are about the same, moving from a dry climate to a wet one can be a complicated transition.

With an understanding of the weather in hand, you should start budgeting for the new clothes you'll need to live comfortably inside and out of your new home. You may have to pay for some expensive coats and boots to deal with the harsh cold felt in some especially northern locations, while heading to a warmer climate means buying more light, breathable clothing. If possible, wait to make any major in-person purchases until you arrive in your new town, and make sure any online buying involves items that can stand up to the temperatures you'll soon face.

Recognize the body's need to adjust

U.S. News & World Report detailed a staggering 16 ways the human body may need to adjust to a new climate. Although they're not all applicable to every move, issues like increased elevation, major changes in exposure to sunlight and difficulty spending time outdoors in extremely hot and cold climates can all affect you. The same goes for your pets and kids, too, who can be more sensitive to changes than healthy adults.

The best way to deal with these changes is to talk to your current and new doctors about any potential problems, and bring it up to your pets' vet in a similar context. The advice of a medical professional is the safest bet for successfully adjusting to a new climate.

Find the best moving companies for the job

A great moving company will have past experience in long distance moves from one climate to another and can share a little expert guidance on how to best prepare. You'll need to remember, for example, that moving trucks aren't climate controlled. Putting temperature-sensitive items on a truck - be they record albums or houseplants - isn't advised, so you'll need to transport them in your own vehicle or look into alternate arrangements.

Atlas is here to help movers going from chilly Maine to humid, hot Florida, from sunny San Diego to frigid Alaska and all sorts of climate-changing moves in between. Reach out today to get your move started.