Moving Aquariums - Fish After The Move


How to set up an aquarium after moving.

It is crucial for the survival of your fish that you set up the tank properly so that they can adjust to their new home. These steps will help you install a fish tank after moving so your fish can adapt to their new surroundings.

  1. Carefully return rocks and decorations to the tank.
  2. Begin refilling the tank with the water you saved from before you moved.
  3. Set up your filters, heaters, and pumps.
  4. Return the live plants to the tank.
  5. For fish in buckets, you can either pour them in or use a net to transfer them back into the tank.
  6. If you had your fish in bags, let the bags float on the tank water to balance the temperature between the bag and the tank. Once the temperature has normalized, you can pour the fish into the tank.

Your fish will need some time to readjust to their new surroundings. Since traveling is such a big stressor for fish, try to treat their move like you added a new fish to the tank.

Make sure to keep a close eye on the water and conditions inside the tank. After a few days your fish will calm down, and your aquarium will thrive in your new home, and provide all the beauty and enjoyment you expect.

Please Note: Even with the best precautions, the stress of travel may prove too much for some fish. Some experts even suggest you sell your fish and buy new ones after you arrive. However, if you must move your fish, follow the procedures above to increase success.